Tricia McLaughlin

Nested Eggs

Flashe paint, gesso, pastel and pencil on vellum, with AR animation loop: 22 sec., triggered by the QR code

30 x 36


My work explores the themes of mutation and the ideas of restructuring nature and human behavior through constructions that are based on my own version of logic.

I strive to anthropomorphize geometry, imbuing structures and creatures with emotions that affect each other. I question how our bodies mutate to adapt to and change our environment, and how this affects the world around us.

My creative process begins with a stroke of paint, which leads me to ask, "What if...?" From there, I extract forms and shapes, and a narrative of an invented hybrid character and its environment begins to take shape. I then bring these forms to life using 3D software, animating them as if they were engineered by a NASA of the Impossible.

My work reflects on my fascination with the possibilities of science and the potential for technology to transform our world. Through my art, I seek to inspire viewers to question the boundaries of what is possible and to imagine new possibilities for the future of where we live.


Tomo Mori


Wilhelmina Grant Cooper