Makayla Hughes


Digital Painting on Canvas (Program: Procreate)

12 x 12



Digital Painting on Canvas (Program: Procreate)

12 x 12


As much as I wish I was different, I've come to realize that achieving greatness with my art requires patience. It's impossible for me to sit down, solidify a concept, and complete a drawing all in one session. Personally, I obsess over the details and research. Each visual detail represents a fact of information, a part within a larger researched theme. Grounding my work with factual visuals makes the subject matters I discuss identifiable and universally understandable to my viewers, but reinterpreting those visuals in a surreal setting challenges them to perceive these relatable objects in their lives differently. My goal in doing this is to offer a space for my viewers to engage more deeply with their personal preconceptions of the visuals used within my paintings and encourage them to rethink their connection to the depicted injustices created with those images.


Zelinette Estrada