Richard Rodriguez


Spray paint on canvas. Image made on mid journey . Embellished with acrylic markers.

12 x 9



Photography. Image made on Mid journey then Designed on Adobe express. Frame created with Spray Paint.

10 x 13


I've walked the city-everywhere except Staten Island. I was a restless kid, always on the move. Markers in my pockets, spray cans in my book bag, squeezed in next to my books. For a long time, I turned countless surfaces into my canvas. It was never about chasing fame; i just wanted to create. That was a long time ago. Today, my art lives on canvas and digital spaces. To say that Harlem has been good to this Puerto Rican, Bronx-born man does not even scratch the surface. The more I walk her streets, the more I love her- Harlem.


Rafaela Luna


Rodolfo Leyton