Junny Ann Hibbert


Fabric, Felt, Foam

19 inches height


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As a Black woman and multi-disciplinary artist, my work grapples with the complexities of race, gender, and identity. My fabric and foam head sculptures serve as metaphorical self-portraits, each unique piece reflecting a facet of my own lived experience. I draw inspiration from the rich visual language of African textiles and symbols as well as my Jamaican heritage. By incorporating them into my sculptures, I reclaim their power to represent strength, beauty, and resilience. These are qualities that have been historically denied to Black women, and I aim to re-center them within the narrative. My hope is that these sculptures spark a dialogue about the multifaceted nature of identity, particularly for those who have been marginalized. By weaving together personal narratives with cultural references, I invite viewers to consider the societal constructs that shape our understanding of race and gender.


Julia Justo


Kendra Torres