Jason Hurt

Oil Pastels
18 x 24

My journey as an artist has been profoundly shaped by the vibrant tapestry of life in New York City, particularly within the neighborhoods of the Bronx and Harlem where I grew up in a large Afro Latino family. My mother is one of 9 and she along with my grandparents primarily raised my two elder brothers and I in near the Castle Hill section of the Bronx. Using oil pastels as my medium, I create works that delve into themes of regality, military, and the powerful imagery of big cats. These pieces are a reflection of the dynamic atmospheres and unannounced territories that define the concrete jungle I call home.

My evolution as an artist is deeply intertwined with the support and inspiration from my community, I was first introduced to artists like Dali and Luis Buñuel and was pleased to meet Ruthy Valdez and her family. Their unwavering encouragement and support has been a cornerstone of my growth and has propelled me to explore and express my vision more fully.

Submitting my work to the Harlem Arts Alliance is an opportunity to honor this journey and the people who have supported me. It's a chance to share my perspective and celebrate the rich cultural heritage that has influenced my art for the first time. Through my paintings, I aim to capture the essence of life uptown and contribute to the vibrant artistic dialogue within our community.


Greg Mills


Jazmine Nieves