David Dixon

Party in the Park

Acrylic & Mixed Media

20 x 20


For me, music and art are intimately intertwined. The movement, colors, and contrasts in many of my pieces reflect the many moods, contrasts, and colors in jazz. The merging of music and art for me began many years ago when I was an art student at the High School of Music and Art, perched high on a hill on the Southern tip of Hamilton Heights at 135th street and St. Nicholas Terrace. The school has been renamed now, but back then we called it “the Castle” and it is where art and music cross pollinated in the hearts and minds of the students. I fondly remember the “Jammin’ at the Castle” art exhibits and concerts we’d put on and invite the neighborhood in to partake of our joyful creations. Harlem has changed a lot since the days me and my classmates roamed its streets, laughing, dancing, jammin', and taking it all in. But it has not lost its soul. The merger of art and music remains with me to this day and bursts forth in my art. I owe that to my years spent in West Harlem where art lives in the music, in the sites on the streets, and in the people. I would love to offer some of my creations expressing my joyful union of music and art back to West Harlem where my artistic journey blossomed.


Daphne Victoria Johnson


Francisca Haapala