Bonnie Phillips

Lemon Kush

Oil on canvas

24 x 36


Inspired by Harlem and social concerns that she’s observed, Bonnie has created a series of paintings that portray her neighborhood in an array of color. She calls this Journo Art. It is her attempt to document and thereby archive the expression of style, dress and everyday life that can be seen in the Harlem community.

When she first moved to Harlem, she was captivated by a style of expression that immediately caught her attention. The first striking image was of an older man dressed head to toe in a gold lame pinstripe suit. Her immediate thought was that someone should document that. She later saw the same man in a head to toe platinum lame suit. Once again noting that someone should capture that. This was over a decade ago and she has never seen him since.

In 2022, she encountered a man dressed head to toe in a bright green outfit. This time she introduced herself as an artist and asked if she could take his photo. He was glad to oblige. It was the beginning of being the one to document those gems in the Harlem community. They are there for everyone to see. The couples who work together in the art community and have made a difference by inspiring artists. They are simply walking their dogs, attending gallery openings, going to church and getting on with their lives. The binding force is that they do it with a style and flavor that is distinctively Harlem.


Ana Bravo


Carla Torres