King Yan 'Fina’ Yeung
Artist Statement
My work expresses urban chaos and harmony, our deep emotions evoked in displacement and shared experiences in cities. In addition to the urban experiences, my work also reflects on climate change and disaster displacement. Due to the extreme weather events, people are displaced by rising sea levels, fires, and floods; we can no longer ignore the fact that we face a serious environmental challenge. Therefore, I create work to raise awareness of climate change and share hope for a better future. I use recycled cardboard boxes for painting and installation, transforming the material to a new life and meaning in my artwork. Cardboard also suits my purpose to portray the layers of urban landscapes and human experiences. The structure of cardboard has several layers bonded together, and I expose the layers and leave the raw surface unpainted. Those unpainted surfaces represent the vulnerability of our environment, a city, and the identity of home.
Urban Canyon #2
Acrylic on cardboard. Varnished with a protective coating.
Hope Floats #1
Acrylic on cardboard. Varnished with a protective coating.
Hope Floats #2
Acrylic on cardboard. Varnished with a protective coating.