Shanequa Benitez

Power : the fight for more  Acrylic paint  40 x 24  $3700

Power : the fight for more
Acrylic paint
40 x 24

Resilient: block boy Acrylic paint  33 x 30  $3700

Resilient: block boy
Acrylic paint
33 x 30

Artist Statement:

My art is my heart, my pain, my love, my fears, my doubts, my beliefs, my traumas, and my purpose! My creative process stems from my emotions, current events; things I’ve witnessed and things I’ve experienced. “Never Conform” is a way of life for me and I include it in my work often. Working on art is my one true way of being true to who I am and what I stand for, never conforming to the norm.

When I start new work my first question to self is, “how do I feel?”. The process usually starts with some kind of reference materials. I like using books, magazines, tv, current events, and real life experiences. I consider my paintings neo-Impressionism. I reject the traditional standards of composition and design while conveying emotion and meaning rather than reality. Working with oil paint sticks gives me the freedom I need to really bring the details I’m feeling to life on the canvas. The materials I prefer are acrylic paint, oil paint sticks, Textiles and mixed media materials.

In my next body of work I will give life to the black experience from the perspective of my paint brush. I’m looking to also bridge the gap between my small mixed media works and my large contemporary pieces. The greatest thing about being a nonconformist is that exploration. When you combine not conforming and creating art you get raw brutal honesty, something you will always see and feel in my work.


Sarah Gilbert Fox


Yen Ha