Artist Statement:

My "Black Men" series speaks to the desire and more importantly the ability to stand up and stand out when you're being told to sit down, be quiet and de facto invisible. The capacity to withstand the repressive forces abound. The instinctive ability to be bold, innovative and individualistic when the social norms narratives may says conform and go with the flow, don't rock the boat. The "Black Men " series explores how a systematic oppressed group of individuals persevere in all types of challenging situations and excel to show their struggles have given them the insight and fortitude to emerge stronger, bolder and wiser. Revealing the truth that they are forever resilient!

PatternOfMan  Hahnemuhle Art Print 55 x 35.5 $2150

Hahnemuhle Art Print
55 x 35.5


Chandle Lee


Deb Fong