Facing  Photography  35 x 23  $700

35 x 23

Dancers Protesters  Photography  35 x 23  $700

Dancers Protesters
35 x 23

Artist Statement:

Overcoming adversity is one of the most important skills we need as individuals. The ability to get back up every time we are knocked down is something that we learn and develop as we grow. We are continually presented with challenges and situations that sometime seem out of control and are things we cannot avoid. Having a resilient mind and spirit can help us navigate these adversities with an open attitude, flexible mind and a fighting spirit. People took to the streets after the horrific and brutal killing of George Floyd. There was a determination, a sense these senseless deaths must end. The streets were alive with an energy, no one was going home until there were changes. The current status quo would no longer be tolerated. The resilience of the individuals fed the group and in turn, that group fed the individuals. Resilience is a long haul. These photographs hope to illustrate some aspects of what resilience means, the determination and the spirit of the fighter in front of the UN building, the dancers in the streets during last summer’s protests symbolizing a creative way to release the frustration accumulated in the body, and the woman looking straight to the camera representing the boldness of facing these challenges.


Al Johnson


Chandle Lee