Michael Padwee

West 8th Street Station, Coney Island

Digitally edited photograph; dye substrate print on an aluminum panel.

21" x 14.5"


Ceramics Collector

(inspired by Guiseppe Arcimboldo)

Photo collage; dye substrate print on an aluminum panel.

16" x 14.5"


Artist Statement:

During the Covid pandemic I stayed indoors, mostly isolated, except for walking my dog. The pandemic allowed me to experiment with some of my older photos. I became interested in the 16th century paintings of Guiseppe Arcimboldo, and through photo editing using many layers of photographs of antique ceramics, I created "Ceramics Collector," a self-portrait that, I hope, also stands on its own. I am also interested in Coney Island, where my grandfather took me when I was young, and subway stations, which have always been architectural marvels to me.  "West 8th Street Station" is a surrealistic view of one entry point to an even more surrealistic area of Brooklyn.


Marybeth Zeman


Micki Segel