Gail Bach

Tropical Vibe Breathe 1.2.3.

Watercolor on wood 

21 x 27


Calming My Window with Yellow Windows

27 1/2 x 35 1/2 inches

Watercolor on paper


Calming My Mind With Aqua Windows and Angel Wings

12 X 16 inches

Watercolor n acrylic on wood


Calming My Mind With Funky Palm Tree Memory

12 x 16 inches

Watercolor n acrylic on wood


I am inspired and renewed by the beauty and serenity of the Caribbean and the intoxicating aquamarine color that changes into multi-blue hues with dazzling sparkle.  The spectacular color display of flora and mesmerizing fragrance of the jasmine tree unlocked in me a creative impulse that is reflected in my numerous tropical jungle watercolors.  I am putting forth a window into this all-encompassing multi-sensual experience using vivid colors and geometric patterns that depict the wildness of this ecosystem.   I have been able to create these works by absorbing the exhilarating primal beauty that constitutes this environment and channeling those feelings into vibrant/metallic watercolors.  My intention is that through these meditative yet energizing paintings, the viewer will be able to better respect and appreciate these wondrous untouched ecosystems and do their part to preserve it.


Eva Mihovich


Helen DeLamarter