Sonia Lerebours

We Are All Vulnerable to the Patriarchy

Acrylic on Canvas

26 x 28


Thoughts of my Father

Acrylic on Canvas

14 x 18


My name is Sonia Lerebours and I am a spiritual and passionate artist who finds inspiration from everything I view around me. I was born in the Dominican Republic and on my canvas you will see whimsical creatures and intricate patterns adorned by bright adventurous colors. As a Dominican artist born in Las Matas de Farfan I have deep ties to my home culture even after immigrating to the United States. Harlem holds a special place in my heart because of the beautiful culture and community that I now call my home. I have fallen in love with the expression of art and music in the lovely and vibrant west Harlem. I hope I can spread mi corazón through artistic expression in my community.


Simon Lund


Thomas Heath