Malang Spengler

The wedding kimono

23 x 30( framed)

water medium & metallic inks


This quilt is based on a photo taken in the fall of 2016 by the boys' mother, my daughter Stephanie Hill Wilchfort. My grandsons were aged 5, 8 and 11 years old at the time and the photo captured them at a moment when they were enjoying the crunch of the autumn leaves as they trekked through the park. The quilt was created for the 2017 President's Challenge of the Brooklyn Quilters Guild.

I was lucky to grow up in a multi-cultural environment in colonial Hong Kong in the 60’s, and had the good fortune to study art from an old Chinese master from age 11 and on.

Being good at portraits, I like to look at people’s faces. Every one is so unique and interesting. I look at each person as individuals, not as stereotypes.

I studied at RISD, met my husband there and came to NYC to pursue our art careers and worked as commercial artists.

We have lived in Brooklyn for more than 40 years.

This picture is inspired by a Japanese doll my mother gave me as a wedding present.

I loved her lavishly beautiful wedding kimono, also  

her quietude & serenity.

Marriage is an ultimate bond between 2 people. LOVE & TRUST are the major components in the union.

If we can cultivate Loving Kindness to ourselves and others around us, this would be a much better world to live in.

Love can be simply created by our loving thoughts & actions , to others, from Brooklyn and beyond.

Spread love, it’s the Brooklyn way!


Lyn Hill


Martha Walker