Janice Jacob

Joy Unleashed

Acrylic on Canvas

24” x 24”


Just the Way it Happened 

Acrylic on Canvas

18” x 24”


When I began this painting I did not know what to expect. I created it out of the sheer love of putting paint on canvas and the desire to see a new painting. Painting is my adventure into the world of color and line combining and recombining within near and far space.

I like the way green, red and black migrate around the canvas. The slightly different way white is applied adds a bit of mystery for me.

I didn’t intentionally create forms that suggest birds, animals or humans but I take delight when I see them emerge. Every time I see the painting again I receive an emotional response to color.  Then I try to understand new forms as they appear. I try not to stay stuck in how I have seen the painting before.

For me this translates into a respect for diversity and a willingness to take a second look. It is an act of kindness and love that I try to develop and share with others as a member of Good Neighbors of Park Slope.


Iris Lipner


Jennifer Mokarry