Cynthia Clark

Prospect Avenue on the R


20.5 x 23 inches (L x W)

Hand pieced


Two Doors


17.5 x 18 inches (L x W)

Machine pieced; machine and hand quilted


“X” Marks the Spot: Carolyn and Usha


17 x 20 inches (L x W)

Machine pieced; hand quilted


Prospect Avenue on the R:

This color exploration was inspired by abstract tile work at the Prospect  Avenue subway stop (R train, Brooklyn). It's my "favorite stop." Every time I pass by, I am compelled to look up and see something new. And who doesn't have a favorite Brooklyn subway stop?

Two Doors:

This piece reflects the color and closeness of homes and neighbors in my Park Slope neighborhood. While it's only two doors, there are thousands in Brooklyn and each offers us the opportunity to open them and say hello to everyone on the block.

X Marks the Spot

This color exploration was inspired by the intersection of a quilt and fabric designer named Carolyn and the owner of a shop specializing in hand-loomed batik fabric named Usha. For the “x’s” I used only Usha’s fabrics, remembering her and the beauty of these prints as I “landed” them in Brooklyn. And what better place for people and fabrics to meet and become friends?


Ellen Schroeter


Ellen Heaphy Rios